Operators Association

Top 4 Quick Workouts for Busy Days

Zack Hughes • August 10, 2021

Killer workouts you can do in under 30 minutes

Consistent training is the key to building fitness, strength, and conditioning. Unfortunately, between work, family, school, or other responsibilities, you might not always have time to do an intricate, long-winded workout. 

To help you stay on the path and consistent with your workouts, this OA guide will give you four killer workouts that are fast, dynamic, and require almost no setup – you can do them in under 30 minutes, but that does not mean they are easy! Let’s get started.

Deck of Cards
At Operators Association, adaptability is at the core of everything we do. Unfortunately, developing your adaptability requires being placed in unexpected scenarios – something that’s nearly impossible to do by yourself. Despite this, you can still put a random twist into your training sessions by doing a Deck of Cards (DOC) Workout.

Creating a DOC workout only takes a few steps, and it can give you one of the most grueling training sessions possible. The concept is simple: each suit represents a different exercise movement, and the card numbers determine the number of reps. For example, pick four exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and burpees. Then assign each movement to a suit. Draw cards to figure out how many reps of each you will do: 2-10 are obvious, J=11, Q=12, K=13, and A=14. Try to get through the entire deck without taking a break. 

You can also supercharge your training session by including two Joker cards; they represent an extra-intense exercise like hill sprints. They'll only show up twice in a workout but present a real challenge when you’re fatigued!

If you keep up with our OA guides regularly, then you are already familiar with EMOM workouts. In case you aren’t, EMOM stands for “Every-Minute-On the-Minute.” EMOM workouts are some of the simplest but most challenging training sessions you can have, so incorporating them into your regular fitness routine is critical if you want to get fit.

It takes less than a minute to create a killer EMOM workout, and all you need is a timer or a friend who can count seconds for you. First, pick a dynamic exercise to focus your training session on – although you can use any dynamic movement for EMOM, burpees are a great place to start for a full-body workout. Once you’ve chosen your exercise, the only thing left to do is choose a target rep-number and get to work!

Simply put on a one-minute timer or get your training partner to count 60-seconds. In each minute round, you have to complete your target amount of reps. Any time you have left in the round is used for rest. For example, if it takes you 40 seconds to do your reps, you have 20 seconds left to rest before the next round begins, and you do the same thing. EMOM workouts feel light at the start, but get significantly more difficult as you begin to fatigue – you will have less and less time to rest in every subsequent round. Do 10 rounds of EMOM for one of the most grueling conditioning workouts possible – it only takes 10 minutes!

Tabata Workout
Tabata workouts are fast, intense, and incredibly challenging for even the fittest athletes. In Tabata workouts, each exercise only takes 4 minutes, but don’t let that fool you into thinking it’s easy. 

The concept behind Tabata workouts is simple: work at maximum intensity for 20 seconds, rest for 10 – that’s one round. Pick four explosive exercises and do eight rounds of each:

4 Minutes: Exercise 1 (8 Rounds)
4 Minutes: Exercise 2 (8 Rounds)
4 Minutes: Exercise 3 (8 Rounds)
4 Minutes: Exercise 4 (8 Rounds)
Total: 16 Minutes (32 Rounds)

The training session will only last roughly 16 minutes, but you’ll be forced to work through fatigue and perform with minimal rest. If you are looking for a quick, challenging training that requires almost no setup, give Tabata workouts a try!

Operators Association WODs
Progressive overload and intensity aren’t the only important things in getting consistent improvement from your training. If you do the same workout routines too often, your body can get used to them and stop experiencing growth. When that happens, you need to mix up your workouts and shock your body back into action. Unfortunately, planning a unique exercise routine every day is nearly impossible to do. That’s where our OA WODs (Workouts of the Day) come in!

Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, we post a unique, curated WOD to our OA Instagram account. The workouts are fast, simple, and intense – they will ensure that you keep your training dynamic and avoid that dreaded plateau!

Once you get consistent with performing our WODs, you can supercharge your training by starting one of our OA workout programs. Each program is created by SOF operators and focused on enhancing a specific aspect of your physical performance. Whether you’re looking to crush your next ruck march, get shredded, or be the fastest runner at special forces selection, we have the program for you! Check out our workouts page and get started today.

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