The military journey can be daunting. Becoming a PROFESSIONAL SOLDIER is MUCH more than signing up and just leaving. Candidates constantly fail due to improper preparation. Join our Cadre Team of Navy SEALS, Green Berets, and MARSOC leaders, we will implement the knowledge, community, and systems to ensure you are doing EVERYTHING possible to win.
Most humans half ass their way into special operations selections and subsequently don’t make it. The Crucible series was created for individuals who want to seek growth and prepare for the next level like a winner. We hold Special Operations Prep Selections both in Texas and North Carolina.
SOF Workouts
Most people volunteer for Special Operations training without preparing adequately. Failure rates in pipelines are incredibly high because those candidates don’t go to war with their prep.
Weekly SOF blogs
Operators Association is always excited about potential collaborations, mutual events, and social opportunities. Click the link below and let's discuss.