The crucible began last year and has exploded and rapidly evolved. From 1 event in central Texas, we now host 6x events nationwide. Cadre Cam now hosts 3 events outside Fort Bragg.
The Crucible is a special event that is mainly driven by your classmates. Strong Class Leaders and Boat Crew leaders power through exercises in Texas. Our new focus this year is the tangible skills you need to develop in order to pass. The Crucible is 2 nights and the show-up time is 7pm on Friday. However, due to traveling we understand that you may show up very late, or early Sat morning. No issues, just email us and let us know beforehand.
Expect little sleep. We are adding nighttime activities, because we own the night. Bring extra headlamp batteries.
Soon you will be assigned a class leader (CL). The Crucible weekend is run organizationally like a military unit, you will take all direction from the CL, he is an extension of our Cadre. We begin with a standard PT test so that you will know your rank among this specific group of people. Friday supper, Saturday's family feast, and the massive Sunday breakfast is provided.
The Crucible is now filled with physical, mental, and emotional exercises. We had 1 year to make the best event for you, and this is what we do…. You will struggle physically and be asked to dive into multiple exercises inside our workbooks. This new lifestyle demands specific answers and direction you must find internally. We need to find that with you.
After you purchase your ticket, be patient, we will send you an email within a week. It will have directions, POC, time, and a mandatory packing list. Over the next week, I will choose a class leader and they will reach out to you via your email address you leave on the ticket purchase. He will give you free VIP access to our membership program, so everyone in the class can chat together. This is a very big deal– we are not an Army of 1. You will work as a Team beginning when the CL reaches out.
Come ready to work, earn, and get dirty.
See you in the woods
email me with questions
Zack Hughes