October 10, 2021
Procrastination is one of the biggest reasons why people fail to accomplish their goals. Putting an unfavorable task off for a later time might sometimes seem like a good idea, but it’s killing your ability to make positive changes in your life. The difference between high-performers and those who consistently come up short is the willingness to take action – to attack tasks now rather than later. In this OA guide, we’ll give you four strategies for avoiding procrastination the next time you don’t feel like doing something. And if you’re procrastinating by reading this article right now, here’s what you need to do: close this browser tab and get after it – we’ll still be here when you finish your work. Divide and Conquer Procrastination rarely happens because you can’t complete the task. Instead, it occurs when you are overwhelmed by the volume of your workload. In other words, you don’t know how to begin your assignment, so you never start in the first place. The solution to this problem is to divide your task into manageable, bite-sized objectives. Splitting your macro goal into smaller, more easily attainable mini-missions is an excellent way to facilitate action and get started (it’s also an excellent strategy for leading under pressure). When you stop thinking about climbing the mountain and start focusing on getting to the next ledge, you immediately make your task more straightforward and executable. Stay Focused By Taking Breaks The “grind mentality” has become a popular delusion in many communities, including many military and business circles. Although the idea of restlessly grinding until you accomplish your goals has a romantic toughness and can sometimes be effective (in ultra-high-pressure scenarios), it’s not a sustainable way to work. Although we might not like to admit it, humans need rest. We have a limited attention span during which we do our best work. Once it’s depleted, our output decreases, and our performance quality declines severely. If you’re performing a mentally demanding task, you can apply the Pomodoro method to maintain your focus for longer. This method is uncomplicated but effective: You work for 25 minutes, then rest for 5 mins. Repeat this process until you accomplish your task. By working and relaxing in 25-minute increments, you can keep your productivity high while not depleting your attention span! Next time you have a grueling task ahead of you, do it for only 25 minutes – you’ll be surprised how much momentum you gain from that brief work period. Discipline is Everything “Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but doing it like you love it.” – Mike Tyson Just start working – this is what all of the “secrets” behind stopping procrastination boil down to. You know your task, understand it needs to be done, so get after it. There’s no magic method to overcome laziness. You must have the discipline to start working even when you don’t want to. If you rely on motivation to accomplish your goals, you will be inconsistent in your output. Discipline is about rising early every day , regardless of whether or not you feel like it, and doing the things that you know you must do. Once you have discipline, procrastination becomes impossible. Read more about creating discipline in our other OA guide, How to Build Discipline Like a Marine . Lose the Lottery Mentality If you want to accomplish your goals, you must lose the lottery mentality. The lottery mentality is when you wait for good things to happen to you instead of making them occur. For example, if you want to become an operator, don’t hope for the perfect storm of events to help you achieve your dreams. Instead, start training daily, acquiring knowledge, and taking the steps necessary to make your goal a reality. Throwing out the lottery mentality and replacing it with an action mindset is the key to defeating procrastination once and for all. The only thing necessary for success is to simply start working. You don’t need the perfect game plan, ideal conditions, or superior guidance. If you want something, find the best, most straightforward course of action and attack it. Do you need to raise your pushup performance for an upcoming PT test? Start doing pushups. Do you want to start a side-hustle? Make a rough plan and put it into action – you can fine-tune your strategy along the way, but you must start now. Staying accountable for your progress and not relying on other people to give you handouts is one of the greatest skills you can have as an aspiring operator. During selection, there will be times when you are struggling, and there’s nobody there to motivate you, lift you up, or ease your burden. When that happens, you must find the strength within yourself to take responsibility for your goals and face adversity. Luckily, with Operators Association, you don’t have to go through the SOF pathway alone! When you become an Aspiring Operator, you get instant access to our exclusive podcasts, accountability groups, and a huge community of current, future, and former operators who will guide you on your journey. Check out our membership page to get started today.